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Tatsuhiko Miyagawa
Plagger - DIY RSS/Atom Aggregation
Air Date: 06/27/2006
Air Time: 4:19 PM CST
Length: 43 Minutes, 52 Seconds
License: Creative Commons Attribution + Share Alike 2.5
Description: Plagger ( is a pluggable RSS/Atom aggregation and syndication tool written in Perl. Plagger comes with various API hooks that external plugins can extend: Subscription, Aggregator, Custom Feed, Filter/Tag Content, Content Widget & Publish.

With these plugin hooks, you can do pretty neat stuff like "Get the updates from Bloglines, create rich-text email and forward them all to my Gmail inbox. But if the entry title contains 'YAPC' and bookmarked by more than 10 users on, send SMS to my cellphpone as well." They're all rule-based and can be done in a single config file update.

This talk covers how to setup Plagger, shows how powerful it is, and takes an example tour how to write your own plugin to mashup your feed content with cool new Web API technologies.

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